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  • In all object making, that aspect which relates to it's conceptual interpretation is art, that which relates the object to an intended purpose is design, and the quality of it's execution is craft. ~Hella Basu


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« Happy Easter!! | Main | How Hoarding/Acquiring Adversely Effects Me »

March 27, 2008



Well, I just took their test. (Although I think the wording is rather broad. Do I have an immediate use for a 100 tablecloths? No. But do I use them all? Yes.)

My score was 2,3,6.

About the inbox, trash it all. It's liberating.


My score would be much, much more scary did I not marry the queen of purge and neat and tidy. As you know, I'm somewhat of a hoarder (totally in the closet locked away key stashed) but only with things that are sentimental...and Trident gum (what if they run out?)

The beauty of Miss Em is that she is more beautiful inwardly than she is outwardly, and she's DROP DEAD GEORGEOUS!!!


OMG you have too much vintage jewelry.. send me some. I have a fair amount of swarovski but I am not using it.. maybe I need to sell off my beads too. I bet I am a total schlumpadinka and probably a hoarder too. I better go take the test but maybe it will make me feel worse about myself.

BTW I hope your niece does not turn into a hoarder and I don't think she could ever be a schlumpadinka.. she is too pretty!


What a cutie your neice. I have been the same way~


Unfortunately I am both a hoarder and a shlumpadika-hatchamacallit. Sad, but true. I watched that hoarding show (both days) both times it was on and found it completely fascinating. I'd like Peter Walsh to come to my house, but my DH would be mortified at the thought of airing our dirty laundry on national TV. One time I wrote the Dr. Phil Show for advice about something and the producer actually called me back and wanted to book me on a show! I freaked out and never returned the call.


I'm so glad you're back to blogging, I've missed you :)
As for the hoarding, like I needed to take a test! I'm dying over your vintage jewelry. I just started collecting to some to re-purpose. Let me know if you put some in your Etsy store. The newest Belle Armoire Jewelry there's the an article from Deryn using watches & parts.

Okay, done babbling. Have a nice weekend.


OK Donna, now look what you (or Oprah or that hoarding guest)started. I just read Heather's blog and now I am feeling guilty about MY stuff! Guess this will just have to be a purging weekend and that will be only the tip of the iceberg! When Peter Walsh asked that woman how many bins do you think you need to store gifts to give people, all I could think about was what I would say if he asked that about the stuff in my studio! Yikes!


Oh God, I just watched all that and cried. Then I made my husband watch it, telling him, "oh no, this is going to be me, cause I'm already on the road to it" kidding. I have been really struggling with it and it's driving me crazy!
Hey, I'm also with you on the makeup and dressing thing. Gosh, I am not really sure how I got to this. I never in a million years thought I would be..
Ugh, yuck.
I don't even think I will admit what my score was...
Cerri xo

kara Ward

I think you are absolutely is eye candy to me...Kara

Lisa Renea

Donna, I started watching the Oprah show and could not finish the first episode. Yikes! On March 1st, I started my own personal goal of Create not Procrastinate (now on day 34) I'm tired of being bogged down by supplies. I love this post, thanks for keeping it real. Your niece is totally gorgeous!

Sarah Preiss (Emily's Cousin)

Hey Donna, I've just seen Emilys pictures she looks good.

(Susan's niece) Sarah

Jennifer Paganellli

Stunning girl but then again everything you post is stunning .by the way you do it so well!!!

Kathy Schwartzbauer

Do you get alot of your wallpaper on ebay esp. the flocked kind?

debbie wood

Hi no matter how I try to organize and no matter how much stuff (good stuff) I give away, I cannot seem to clear my house out. I'm doing 1000 percent better than I used to be, but I find myself daily so disorganized that I cannot keep up with my blood pressure medication (which raises it!)keys,lint roller,(hairy dogs--its important) and daily a hundred other things at least...I don't know how to help myself and can't afford a professional. do you have any ideas? I am dangerously overwhelmed and I do mean dangerously.

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